Episode 63: Finding the Shoe that Fits

Finding the right pointe shoe is a dynamic process that depends on a number of factors. Fitters look at the shape of your foot, your technique, your strength and consider your personal preferences and feedback from your dance teachers and medical providers. All of these elements can evolve with time and affect your shoe choice. Pointe shoe fitter, Josephine Lee, joins us on episode 63 of DanceWell Podcast for a lively discussion about how she synthesizes all these factors and collaborates with each dancer to find the shoe that fits. 

Get in touch with Josephine by visiting her website: https://thepointeshop.com, sending her an email: info@thepointeshop.com, or by looking up her handle @thepointeshop on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter or YouTube.

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Host: Marissa Schaeffer

Co-Hosts: Ellie Kusner and Marissa Schaeffer

Website: www.dancewellpodcast.com

Email: DanceWellPodcast@gmail.com

Introduction Soundscape: Brendan Berry and Dylan Ezzie

Finding the right pointe shoe is a dynamic process that depends on a number of factors. Fitters look at the shape of your foot, your technique, your strength and consider your personal preferences and feedback from your dance teachers and medical providers. All of these elements can evolve with time and affect your shoe choice. Pointe shoe fitter, Josephine Lee, joins us on episode 63 of DanceWell Podcast for a lively discussion about how she synthesizes all these factors and collaborates with each dancer to find the shoe that fits. Get in touch with Josephine by visiting her website: https://thepointeshop.com, sending her an email: info@thepointeshop.com, or by looking up her handle @thepointeshop on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter or YouTube. Want to contribute to DanceWell podcast? Follow this link to donate: https://www.gofundme.com/f/dancewell-season-three-fundraiser?member=2559728&pc=ot_co_campmgmt_w&rcid=r01-156744810013-7a5c898b6f9c46c6&sharetype=teams Host: Marissa Schaeffer Co-Hosts: Ellie Kusner and Marissa Schaeffer Website: www.dancewellpodcast.com Email: DanceWellPodcast@gmail.com Introduction Soundscape: Brendan Berry and Dylan Ezzie

DanceWell Podcast