Episode 87: Competition, Jealousy, and Rejection

All people experience a range of emotions in life, including dancers. However, training and professional practice often ask dancers to be hardworking, perseverant, and positive—sometimes even demanding that they smile no matter how they feel. As Kate Wilson LICSW and Miriam Rowan PsyD explain, dancers can become emotionally disoriented when they don’t acknowledge their true feelings. Our guests explain the risks that come from repressing difficult feelings, and they offer insights on how to reconnect to your emotional compass.

Contact Kate Wilson LICSW at kate@bostonbmedicine.com

And Dr. Miriam Rowan, PsyD at dr.miriamrowan@gmail.com

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Host: Ellie Kusner

Co-Hosts: Ellie Kusner and Marissa Schaeffer

Website: www.dancewellpodcast.com

Email: DanceWellPodcast@gmail.com

Introduction Soundscape: Brendan Berry and Dylan Ezzie

DanceWell Podcast